Friday, March 31, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

In the first stages of constructing a Nertha Magazine blog! ^___^

This blog will be for all the 1950s culture, zombie culture, ecchi culture, etc.
Nerthamag blog will be fully dedicated to the "Neue World". 

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ughhh, still just trying to get motivated, reinspired, something. I've been a dank stew of unproductiveness, which seems like forever....!

Why? I don't know.
So to remedy, I have stopped smoking weed, started working out, and trying to get my life together. I figured this actually might jumpstart my productivity. Also buying a new wardrobe, instead of dressing like a peasant from Tsar era Russia... Skinny jeans, and Mars attack shirts and what not. Along with some converse. Will any of this help? Only time will tell.

Definitely, still wanting to push forward. It's in me. It's their. Maybe with out the weed I won't be permanently couch locked anymore. I mean fucking seriously, I would come home, smoke a doob, then BAM! In bed or couch playing video games, wishing to do something besides that. Eventually it just kept being a guilty feeling instead of a pleasurable one. I figured I would have to change my ways. So yeh, maybe too much info, but it's cool...

If anyone is stopping by frequently, and are seriously interested in my work, just get a google account and comment in the comment section. As of right now, I'm pretty much doing this all for myself. Across any platform I haven't gained much of an audience. But maybe I could if I produced a lot more and upped the quality or something. I don't know. lol.

-- Ein

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Nertha Magazine Concept Stuff 1

Cover idea for that one magazine idea I had... eh.

Still working on stuff, still be lazy, still all over the place with ideas.